GDSRB received approval of its mitigation banking instrument (MBI) by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 1997. GDSRB currently has in operation the following mitigation banks serving several watersheds and HUC (Hydrological Unit Code) areas as listed below. For more information on special sites click here.
Mortarino Tract, VA

638 acres located in the Western Branch Borough of Chesapeake. The Mortarino tract consists of wetland acres and have been protected by conservation easement. Credits are available for immediate wetlands mitigation in the HUC Code areas shown.
Butterfly Ranch Tract, VA

Approximately 99 acres located in the Pleasant Grove Borough of Chesapeake. The Butterfly Ranch Tract consists of wetland preservation acres which have been protected by conservation easement. Credits are available for immediate wetlands mitigation in the HUC Code areas shown.
Foreman Ranch, VA

134+ acres located in the Pleasant Grove Burough on the Southside of Chesapeake, VA. Preservation acres held in reserve for future conservation.
Pocaty Tract, VA

220 acres located in Chesapeake and Virginia Beach, it is the area north and south of the Pocaty River. All of this section of North Landing River was mapped as section3A in the preliminary Dismal Swamp Shrew (Sorex longirostris fisheri) recovery plan. Currently not acquired, but acquisition anticipated for future wetlands and Dismal Swamp Shrew mitigation.
Timberlake Farm, NC

4,300+ acres located outside of Columbia, in Tyrrell County, serving northeast North Carolina. Credits are available for immediate wetlands mitigation in the HUC areas shown. For pictures, click here.
Pasquotank River Tract, NC

900+ acres, serving northeast North Carolina. Wetland Mitigation credits are available for immediate wetlands mitigation in the HUC Code areas shown.
North River Tract, NC

3,100 Acres of preservation area serving northeast North Carolina. Wetland mititgation credits are available for immediate wetlands mitigation in the HUC Code areas shown.